Architecture towards sustainability

What role can architecture play in the social, environmental and economical challenges that our communities must face? PLEA (Passive Low Energy Architecture) is an international network bringing together architects interested in sustainability. The title of this edition is Architecture in (R)evolution, i.e. revolution (and evolution) starting from architecture, which in turn means how we can rethink the way we design buildings and cities to safeguard our planet. During the 31st edition of the PLEA conference, over 350 sustainability experts from all over the world consulted each other and shared ideas to find effective and replicable solutions suitable for different climates, cultures and situations. At the end of the conference, the “Bologna PLEA Charter” on sustainability was drawn up, a collection of proposals freely available to all which will be presented to institutions with the objective of triggering a revolutionary mechanism from the widespread knowledge that we need urgent solutions. Leading to a true evolution of our way to apply sustainability.